EIA Data Update: 3.8GW of Energy Storage Installations Planned for November-December 2023 in the U.SEnergyTrend energy storage was informed that, according to the U.S. Electricity Energy Information Content Agency (EIA) statistical analysis, in October 2023, the U.S. above 1MW energy storage new additions to the installed capacity of 0.18GW (last month's forecast value of 1.08GW), compared with the same period -73%, year-on-year -69%. 2023 January-October, the U.S. 1MW or more energy storage new additions to the installed capacity of 4.56GW , up 21% y/y. October's specific installation data information is smaller than the forecast given last month. U.S. energy storage new additions installed status in October 2023 According to the data, only 3 projects installed in October, the larger is the U.S. Sanborn, California, rechargeable battery energy storage system software 3 project, the installed size of 0.17GW. The main factor is still the operation of the inventory backlog, planned to be installed in October, large projects (more than 100MW) basically to the deferral to the next 2 months: Chestnut Project in California, USA, deferred to November 2023; and Azure Sky Wind Project, LLC Hybrid project in Texas City, deferred to December 2023; and Edwards Sanborn E1B Project, Edwards Sanborn, CA, USA, deferred until November 2023; and Edwards Sanborn E4 Project, Edwards Sanborn, CA, deferred until November 2023; and Texas City Revolution Project, deferred until November 2023 2023/2024 Installed Energy Storage Forecast Analysis According to the U.S. Electricity and Energy Information Content Agency (EIA) statistical analysis, since November 2023 to the end of 2024, the current program 1MW or more energy storage new additions to the installed volume to do 18.7GW. In which, 2023 November-December program energy storage installed 3.8GW, that is, 2023 full-year energy storage installed capacity is expected to exceed 8.36GW (last month's forecast value of 8.55GW), compared with the same period of 103%, 2024 program energy storage installed capacity of 14.91GW (last month's forecast value of 14.96GW), compared with the same period of 78.4%. This program installed data information continues to be updated in the 23/24 years installed forecast analysis is not much different from last month. Overall, EIA forecasts 8.36GW of full-year installations in 2023, compared to 8.55GW given last month, a slight downward revision.EIA forecasts 14.91GW of domestic installations in '24, not much different from last month's estimate. After adjustment, the 24-year growth rate was revised upward to 78.4%. Accompanied by lithium battery core and other supply-side cost reduction and its capital cost estimate decline, in the IRA existing policy gradually clear and its related policy process simplification under the auspices, and determine the early project reserves, the United States large storage installed operating scale hopefully released, the industry boom index to the upside. Iterative upgrading of science and technology, the cost of fees continue to fall, the Internet business model courage to explore, energy storage industry endogenous growth and exogenous driving force will jointly promote the overall high-speed development of the market. Actively expanding abroad, leading level and have the opportunity to enter the United States large storage industry chain companies are expected to benefit. |